About Us/

Our supporters & partners

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Thank you to our supporters and partners

Our thanks goes to:
Our supporters
  • The Lion Foundation for a grant to redevelop our website
  • Auckland North Community and Development for pro-bono book keeping and accounting services
Our partners

Migraine Foundation is also proud to be a part of the:

  • Neurological Alliance of New Zealand 
  • International Headache Society Global Patient Advocacy Coalition (IHS-GPAC)

The Lion Foundation

The Lion Foundation is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most respected Charitable Trusts. Since 1985 we have returned over $1 billion back to the community, supporting thousands of good causes all around New Zealand.
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IHS-GPAC was formed to unify patient advocacies around the world and leverage collective resources to drive meaningful change in migraine patient care.
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Neurological Alliance NZ

The Neurological Alliance was established in 1999 to provide a forum for organisations representing a neurological disease to work together and make representations on matters of common interest.
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Auckland North Community and Development

ANCAD is a Charitable, Incorporated Society and community development non-profit organisation that has been supporting the Auckland North community and beyond, since 1974.
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