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Migraine Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand Incorporated is the only registered charity supporting people living with migraine in New Zealand

With your generous donation we can continue to grow our organisation, reach more people with migraine and make our voice louder in New Zealand

We’re run entirely by volunteers and rely on donations from generous people like you, so we can continue to support people with migraine disease in New Zealand and raise awareness. Migraine Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand Incorporated is a registered charitable organisation under the Charities Act 2005. Our charity registration number is CC60312.

Regular donations help support our long-term vision to minimise the health, economic and social burden of migraine in New Zealand. As a regular donor you’re directly supporting our work and securing our long-term future.

You can choose the frequency and amount of your regular donation.


To donate by bank transfer

If you’d prefer to donate (either as a regular donor or one-off) directly to our bank account you can do so with these details:

Bank: ASB Bank
Account name: Migraine Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand Incorporated
Account number: 12-3427-0148251-00
Particulars: Donation

Please email us at so we can collect your details and send you a tax receipt for donations over $5.