Become a regular donor

Become a regular and support our mission to raise awareness of the impact of migraine disease and support people living with migraine.
Regular donations help support our long-term vision to minimise the health, economic and social burden of migraine disease in New Zealand. As a regular donor, you’re directly supporting our work and securing our long-term future.
You can choose the frequency and amount of your regular donation.
Migraine Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005. This means that donations over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax.
Registering as a regular donor is easy through our donate now page. You’ll be asked to choose the amount and frequency of your donations and a few donor details. When you register through this platform you’ll automatically receive your tax-deductible receipt.
If you’d like donate regularly to us directly into our bank account instead, our bank details are:
Bank: ASB Bank
Account name: Migraine Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand
Account number: 12-3427-0148251-00
Reference: [surname]
Please use your surname as the reference.
And please email us: if you choose to donate directly as we’re unable to automatically capture your details or email you a receipt if you donate directly.
Thank you for supporting us, so we can continue to support the 753,000 people in Aotearoa New Zealand living with migraine.