Migraine Unravelled education event recordings available to watch

On Saturday 30 November 2024, our migraine community came together both in person and online to hear from three migraine experts, in what was a first for New Zealand.

Together with the Neurological Foundation, we hosted Migraine Unravelled: The latest in migraine medication and pain management solutions, an incredibly informative, free event that covered a wide range of topics and provided practical solutions for people in New Zealand to better manage their migraine disease.

The recordings of the event are now available to watch on our new YouTube channel.

There are 5 videos available to view – both session one and session two, which includes the question and answer panel discussions, plus each speaker’s presentation is available to watch individually.

And please subscribe to our YouTube channel as we’ll be publishing more content (such as last year’s members’ webinars) soon.

Find out more about the event here