From first migraine attack to diagnosis

MiANZfromfirstattacktodiagnosis 1

Results from the Migraine in Aotearoa New Zealand Survey 2022 It can take time for people with migraine to receive an accurate diagnosis. This can be for several reasons. Many people have migraine attacks but never see a doctor about them. One of the largest surveys of migraine in the world from the US estimated […]

Use of acute treatments for migraine


Results from the Migraine in Aotearoa New Zealand Survey 2022 There are many reasons to treat a migraine attack – not only to avert the pain and disability of the attack but also because inadequate treatment of acute attacks can lead to more frequent attacks.¹ The nervous system can become more sensitised to pain with […]

Migraine disability


Results from the Migraine in Aotearoa New Zealand Survey 2022 Migraine isn’t fatal but it does cause disability. There’s a measure of disability called Years Lived with Disability (YLD), which measures the burden of living with a non-fatal disease at a population level, allowing different diseases with different impacts to be compared with each other. […]